Round Buttons

Use .btn-{state} for different states

Square Buttons

Use .btn-square for square buttons

Pill Buttons

Use .btn-pill for pill buttons

Round Outline Buttons

Use .btn-outline-{state} for different outline states

Square Outline Buttons

Use .btn-square for square outline buttons

Pill Outline Buttons

Use .btn-pill for pill outline buttons

Round Gradient Buttons

Use .btn-gradient-{state} for different gradient states

Square Gradient Buttons

Use .btn-square for square gradient buttons

Pill Gradient Buttons

Use .btn-pill for pill gradient buttons

Round Buttons with Icon

Use .btn-{state} for different button states and .has-icon for icon buttons

Square Buttons with Icon

Use .btn-square for square icon buttons

Pill Buttons with Icon

Use .btn-pill for pill icon buttons

Round Icon Buttons

Use .ms-btn-icon .btn-{state} for different Icon states

Round Outline Icon Buttons

Use .ms-btn-icon-outline .btn-{state} for different Icon states

Square Icon Buttons

Use .btn-square for square Icon buttons

Square Outline Icon Buttons

Use .btn-square for square Icon buttons

Circle Icon Buttons

Use .btn-pill for circle Icon buttons

Circle Outline Icon Buttons

Use .btn-pill for circle Icon buttons

Button Groups

Use .btn-group.btn-group-toggle as a parent for multiple .btn

Use .flex-column for vertical button groups

Block Level Buttons

Use .btn-block for block level buttons

Round Social Media Buttons
Square Social Buttons
Pill Social Buttons